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Release date:2015-4-21 22:24:29  Source:Original?site

Pig iron is the carbon content greater than 2% of the iron-carbon alloys, pig iron industry in general carbon content of 2.5% - 4% and containing C, SI, Mn, S, P and other elements, is used by the blast furnace smelting of iron ore products. According to the different forms of iron in the presence of carbon, can be divided into steelmaking pig iron, cast iron and ductile iron and other types.
Precipitated spherical graphite cast iron. Spheroidal graphite fragmentation effect of the metal substrate is smaller than the flake graphite cast iron, the strength of 70 to 90% strength of the matrix structure, the tensile strength of up to 120kgf / mm2, and has good toughness. Ductile iron is usually outside of the chemical composition: carbon content of 3.6 to 3.8 percent, from 2.0 to 3.0% silicon content, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur and total no more than 1.5% and the amount of rare earth magnesium ball agent.
Mainly built by ductile iron manhole covers out of the covers, which covers their quality would involve the issue of the rate of the ball. Treatment is anti-rust paint castings used asphalt paint, of course, ductile iron manhole cover surface is asphalt paint after spraying anti-rust treatment. Ductile iron manhole covers have the advantage that due to the high ductile strength, good toughness, making ductile than covers the same type of gray cast iron manhole covers around 30% lighter.
Good toughness. Impact value and carbon steel exhaustive, is 10 times more gray iron materials.
Corrosion resistance. Spray corrosion test, the amount of corrosion of steel is only ninety days of 1/40, 1/10 gray iron pipe. Life is twice as gray iron pipe is 5 times that of ordinary steel pipe.
Good plasticity. Elongation ≥7%, with similar high-carbon steel, and gray iron material elongation zero.
High strength. Tensile strength ób≥420MPa, yield strength ós≥300MPa, and low-carbon steel and is three times gray iron materials.
Because of spheroidal graphite microstructure of ductile iron, in terms of reduced vibration capability, ductile than steel, and therefore more conducive to reducing stress. One important reason is that the choice of ductile iron cast ductile lower than cost. Ductile low cost make this material more popular, more casting efficiency, less ductile iron machining costs.
The strength and intensity of ductile cast are comparable. Ductile iron has a higher yield strength, yield strength minimum of 40k, while the yield strength of steel is only 36k. In most municipal applications, such as: water, salt water, steam, etc., ductile iron corrosion and oxidation resistance of more than steel.
Ductile iron castings has been in almost all the major industrial sectors in the application of these sectors require high strength, ductility, toughness, abrasion resistance, severe thermal and mechanical shock, high temperature or low temperature resistance, corrosion resistance and dimensional stability. In order to meet the conditions of use of these variations, many of the existing grades of ductile iron, provides the mechanical properties and a very wide range of physical properties.
Such as the International Organization for Standardization ISO1083 under the most ductile iron castings, mainly in the form of non-alloy production. Obviously, this range including tensile strength greater than 800 N / mm, elongation of 2% of the high strength grades. At the other extreme is a high grade plastic, elongation greater than 17%, while the corresponding lower strength (minimum of 370 N / mm). Strength and elongation are not the only root designer the choice of materials, while other important properties also include decisive yield strength, modulus of elasticity, wear resistance and fatigue strength, stiffness and impact properties. In addition, corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance and electromagnetic properties may be critical for the designer. In order to meet these special use, developed a set of austenitic ductile iron, Ni proud usually called a dead ball Resis iron. The austenitic ductile iron, primarily zinc, chromium and manganese alloyed, and the inclusion of international standards.

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