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Release date:2015-4-21 22:16:08  Source:Original?site

All along, the high-strength steel, aluminum, plastic and other lightweight materials are widely used in all aspects of motor vehicles and parts manufacturing, and magnesium alloys in view of various reasons did not get a promotion and use of magnesium
Alloy is mainly used in the engine hood, steering wheel, seat bracket, car doors, and other aspects of the transmission housing. Data show that the use of magnesium alloys per vehicle in North America 3.5kg, 14kg per vehicle magnesium alloy reached Europe PASSAT and Audi A4, while the average amount per domestic car only 1.5kg. Experts predict that by 2020, Europe and Japan with a magnesium alloy automotive market demand is 77 million tons, the domestic demand of 50,000 to 10 million tons. "Light weight magnesium alloy, strong shock absorption performance, good casting performance, automated production capacity and high mold life, dimensionally stable, as the lightest of engineering materials, magnesium alloy is not only the most suitable auto parts casting material, but also the most efficient car lightweight materials. "recently, the general manager of Chongqing yuan and Li Tai magnesium alloy Manufacturing Co., said.



 Poor corrosion resistance, high cost and waste magnesium alloy universal "stumbling block"
Experts said that the field of magnesium die castings can be used on the car can be divided into two categories: one is based on the use of other materials to replace the original magnesium die castings made field; the other is up to now still using welded steel or aluminum occasions material. For the former, the most common is to replace the magnesium die casting aluminum die casting, although the two materials have the same casting characteristics, but if the full measure of the weight and cost factors, the choice of magnesium certainly more reasonable. Our country is rich in magnesium resources of the country, the data show that China's total reserves of magnesium resources accounted for 85% of the world, ranked first in the world. However, our use of resources in terms of magnesium, but not enough, experts say, decades behind foreign production applications in the automotive, defense, sports and other magnesium alloy products. "In fact, magnesium alloys in the automotive sector have many applications, such as the now 62% of the global automotive steering wheel is made of magnesium alloy, it is not only the quality of light, good damping effect, in the event of accidental impact damage when people smaller. "Liu Zhen said that the use of magnesium alloy parts in the wheels, anti-collision beams and other parts of the car instead of plastic parts, to ensure vehicle safety case, to reduce the quality of the car itself, the effect of reducing the energy consumption of the car is particularly significant .  

However, we also see a high magnesium alloy die-casting cost, high rejection rate, there are security risks and other issues of production of auto parts do exist. "Magnesium is a very lively elements, corrosion resistance is poor, our technical capabilities in terms of corrosion resistance of magnesium alloy components to be worse." China Automobile Industry Association Du Fangci adviser told reporters, "In addition magnesium in the process prone to fire and explosion, there are safety issues. these two issues can not be resolved, magnesium alloys in automotive applications will be greatly affected. "in addition, Liu Zhen also believes that many domestic auto plants afraid to use magnesium alloy manufacturing cost pressures exist ideological issues and forced to recognize that if there is no policy to encourage and stringent requirements of vehicle weight, the short term this situation can not be changed.

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