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China will promote the development of intelligent

Release date:2015-4-21 22:14:25  Source:Original?site

  Mold is a basis for industrial production technology and equipment, known as the mother of industry. As the national economy on the basis of industry, mold involving machinery, automobiles, light industry, electronics, chemicals, metallurgy, building materials and other industries, a very wide range of applications. With the continuous development of information technology, the concept of intelligence began to penetrate into all walks of life and every aspect of our lives. Intelligent mold as the representative of one of the products of high-end equipment manufacturing industry and help mold production enterprises, the strong support for the Chinese high-end equipment manufacturing and other parts of the rapid development of the field. Compared with the traditional mold, intelligent mold with high technological content, high value-added products, long life, wide range of applications, a large market space and other obvious advantages.
Mould market growth, mold around the country have set up industrial parks, development of China's mold industry has been gradually clear the road. The basic realization of high-end products do not do the upgrade and leap from small to large economies of scale to achieve rapid growth. Mold also emerged, driven by intelligent power of modern technology.
Although the total amount of intelligent mold is not much, but it represents a new direction mold technology will play an increasingly important role in product development pattern adjustment and structural aspects of the industry. Well intelligent mold development, is bound to promote the entire mold industry quickly upgrade the level play a strong role in promoting therefore, a priority in the development of industry in the development of intelligent mold is particularly necessary.
